It is now generally accepted that Education is crucial to any society to maintain or transform itself. Being a product of society, it is evitable that the Institution of Higher Education would reflect the society that this institution must also look towards the future which must be molded today. This make the teacher crucial element in the entire process of nation building and social change, providing knowledge and understanding a structure of values, is perhaps a more important part of his/her concerns. It was long cherished dream of ABHAY SHIKSHAN KENDRA to promote education for the upliftment of the society.

About Abhay Shikshan Kendra

It was the year 1970 Abhay Shikshan Kendra was established in the form of social educational institute. Abhay Shikshan Kendra is a not –for-profit organization with an overarching goal to facilitate a just equitable, human and sustainable society with this vision. The foundation’s work is aimed at enriching and enhancing the capabilities of individuals, group and institutions to achieve well being and harmony in a society and culturally diverse democracy. For nearly a decade, the foundation has been engaged in contribution to quality school education in India.

Abhay Shikshan Kendra was established in by Hon. Founder Shri. Eknathji M. Gaikwad (MP) with the sole motto of imparting education for the poorer, economical backward and social marginalized section of the society. Inauguration of extended building of Abhay Shikshan Kendra was organized on 4th March, 2003 with the auspicious hands of Hon. Sushilkumar Shinde, Former Chief Minister, and Maharashtra State in presence of Shri. Murli Deora.

Components of Abhay Shikshan Kendra:

  • Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Granthalasya, Vikhroli.
  • Balwadi’s at Worli, Dharavi, Sion & Wadala.
  • Rajarshi Shahu College of Arts, Commerce, Sion.
  • Rajarshi Shahu College of Science, Dharavi.
  • KrantiJyoti Savitrbai Phule College of Education (D.T.Ed English), Vikhroli.
  • KrantiJyoti Savitribai Phule College of Education (B.Ed.), Vikhroli.
  • Abhay International School (ICSE Board), Vikhroli.
  • Shair Amar Shaikh Sangeet Vidyalaya, Vikhroli.
  • Rajarshi Shahu Law College, (3 &5 yrs.),Vikhroli.
  • Samrta Ashoka Buddhist Study Centre, Vikhroli.

Learning Environment

  • Teaching – Learning Process: Each course will be designed to facilitate a dialogic synthesis of understanding drawing from theory and practice. Decision about the organization of individual courses rest on the faculty and may vary from course to course. A typical course outline / syllabus will include – the course rationale, course objectives, and description of each unit, list of basic and advanced reading, assessment and teaching plant. It is visualized that the programme will have a strong practicum component.
  • Field Programme of Abhay Shikshan Kendra: Concurrent to the establishment of institution, the Abhay Shikshan Kendra is setting up scaled – up institutional structure for the field to facilitate change and improvement. This will be done by providing accessible expertise, support and capacity. These institutional structures will be demonstrable models for replication.
  • Environment: Abhay Shikshan Kendra aims to provide vibrant and inclusive environment for learning. As such, students participation both individually and groups will be encouraged. Additionally the classroom will be supplemented with experiences on the field at different schools.
  • Teaching Facility: The teaching faculty at Abhay Shikshan Kendra is distinguished by their emphasis on the integrations of research and practice in both the classroom and its practicum education. Many members have personally contributed to the social sphere and their work has been on the cutting edge of education, policy, research and practice.

Various Educational Activities

  • Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule D.T.Ed. College (Marathi & English Medium), Vikhroli (E).
  • Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule B.Ed. College, Vikhroli (E).
  • Rajarshi Shahu College of Law (3 Yrs. & 5 Yrs.) Vikhroli (E).
  • Abhay International School (ICSE) Vikhroli (E).
  • Samrat Ashok Centre for Buddhist Studies, Vikhroli.
  • Amar Shaikh Sangeet Vidyalaya, Vikhroli.
  • Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Granthalaya, Vikhroli.
  • Priyadarshini Vidyamandir ,Wadala (E).
  • Rajarshi S. Degree College of Arts, Commerce, Science, Sion.
  • Rajarshi S. Junier College of Arts, Commerce, Science, Dharavi.

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