Grievance Redressal Cell

The aimt of the Grievance Redressal Cell is to develope a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the Institute.


  1. To recieve and solve the grievances of teaching, non teaching staff and students.
  2. To maintain cordial interpersonal relations among the members of the institution.
  3. To ensure harmonious functioning of the college.
  4. To stablish good rapport with students

Institutional Guidance

Grievance Redressal Committee Members


Grievance Redressal Committee of Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule College of Education (B.Ed.) for the academic year 2018-2019 has been constituted as under:

  1. Mrs. Rupali Mahesh Sadare - Chairperson
  2. Mrs. Pooja Ganesh Khadye – Faculty – Member
  3. Ms. Shraddha Pundalik Pawar - Faculty – Member
  4. Ms. Samrudhi Kashid – Student - Member


Grievance Redressal Committee of Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule College of Education (B.Ed.) for the academic year 2019-2020 has been constituted as under:

  1. Mrs. Rupali Mahesh Sadare - Chairperson
  2. Mrs. Pooja Ganesh Khadye – Faculty – Member
  3. Ms. Shraddha Pundalik Pawar - Faculty – Member
  4. Ms. Jesentha – Student - Member


Grievance Redressal Committee of Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule College of Education (B.Ed.) for the academic year 2020-2021 has been constituted as under:

  1. Mrs. Rupali Mahesh Sadare - Chairperson
  2. Mrs. Pooja Ganesh Khadye – Faculty – Member
  3. Ms. Shraddha Pundalik Pawar - Faculty – Member
  4. Ms. Neha Sahu – Student - Member


Grievance Redressal Committee of Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule College of Education (B.Ed.) for the academic year 2021-2022 has been constituted as under:

  1. Mrs. Rupali Mahesh Sadare - Chairperson
  2. Mrs. Pooja Ganesh Khadye – Faculty – Member
  3. Ms. Shraddha Pundalik Pawar - Faculty – Member
  4. Ms. Tanuja Penwal – Student - Member


Grievance Redressal Committee of Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule College of Education (B.Ed.) for the academic year 2022-2023 has been constituted as under:

  1. Mrs. Rupali Mahesh Sadare - Chairperson
  2. Mrs. Pooja Ganesh Khadye – Faculty – Member
  3. Ms. Shraddha Pundalik Pawar - Faculty – Member
  4. Ms. Upasana Singh – Student - Member


Anti- Ragging Committee of Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule College of Education (B.Ed.) for the academic year has been constituted as under:

  1. Mrs. Rupali Mahesh Sadare - Chairperson
  2. Mrs. Poonam Tiwari – Faculty – Member
  3. Mrs. Sharmila Kamble - Faculty – Member
  4. Ms. Purnima Shrivastav – Student - Member

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